Non-biting Flies such as houseflies are not only nuisance pests, but they are also responsible for transmitting diseases and contaminating food. Flies are capable of transferring more than 100 pathogens, including Malaria, Salmonella, and Tuberculosis. Food contamination is one of the main reasons that fly pest control is so important. Pest Outpost has many professional products available to control and eliminate these nuisance pests. Call or come in today to purchase all your DIY Pest Control Products & Supplies. Shipping available in the Continental U.S. 217 794-2559 217 794-2559
Demand CS
Demand CS is a water-based insecticide concentrate that offers excellent indoor and outdoor pest control. Demand's micro-encapsulated technology leaves thousands of microparticles that bind to the surface, offering long-term protection and fast knock-down. Demand CS controls more than 30 common insects including flies, ticks, spiders, ants, wasps and bed bugs. It can be used both indoors and outdoors with little to no odor or staining.
Gentrol IGR Concentrate (10 x 1 oz. Control Pack)
Gentrol IGR (Insect Growth Regulator) has a translocating active ingredient to reach hard-to-treat areas and is ideal to treat cockroaches, fruit and drain flies, fleas, and bed bugs. The Gentrol IGR, (S)-hydroprene, effectively breaks the insect life cycle and offers 120 days of control per each 1 oz. bottle.
Martins I.G. Regulator
Martin's I.G. Regulator controls eggs, larvae, pupae, and pre-adult insects. Effective, long-term control of many nuisance pests such as ants, fleas, cockroaches, flies, mosquitoes, gnats, and crickets. It remains photostable for up to 14 days and may be used on carpets, rugs, furniture, dog houses, kennels, and pet sleeping areas. Martin's IGR may be used inside or outside.
Zenprox EC (1 Pint)
Zenprox EC treats flies, roaches, fleas, bed bugs (including newly hatched bed bug nymphs), ants and more, and kills on contact. Use as an indoor broadcast application in homes, offices, warehouses and more. Use as a tank-mix combination with Gentrol IGR to eliminate insect populations and infestations.
Do Your Own Pest Control with Professional Products & Supplies from Pest Outpost. With our large selection of Professional Pest Control Products, (used by exterminators), anyone can do their own pest control, and save up to 75% -vs- hiring a professional. We make it simple & affordable!!